Characteristics and Flavor of High Mountain Oolong Tea

High Mountain Oolong tea is grown in high-altitude regions. Due to the cooler temperatures, tea leaves grow more slowly, which reduces bitterness and enhances sweetness. Additionally, the large day-night temperature variation helps intensify the aroma and richness of the tea.

Characteristics and Flavor of High Mountain Oolong

Flavor of High Mountain Oolong Tea

Low Bitterness The cool climate, with fog covering the mountains in the morning and evening and limited sunlight, reduces the bitter components, such as catechins, in the tea leaves.
High Sweetness and Gelatin Content The large temperature difference between day and night causes the tea trees to grow thicker leaves to withstand the cold. This increases the pectin content, resulting in a higher sweetness and a richer, more durable tea that can withstand multiple infusions.
Unique Aroma The high mountain environment, combined with Taiwan’s unique island monsoon climate, gives the tea a distinct fragrance. Some high mountain teas have an orchid-like aroma, while others may resemble the scent of osmanthus. The finest Taiwan high mountain teas even have a peach-like fragrance.

The flavor of High Mountain Oolong tea is characterized by its high sweetness, low bitterness, and unique floral aromas, such as orchids and peaches, influenced by Taiwan’s monsoon climate.

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