Junshan Silver Needle Tea

Junshan Silver Needle, produced in Hunan Province, China, belongs to the yellow tea category. This tea is made exclusively from tea buds, which are golden in color and resemble silver needles. As it primarily comes from Junshan Island, it is named “Junshan Silver Needle.” With limited production and high cost, it is ranked among China’s top ten famous teas.


The Most Famous Yellow Tea – Junshan Silver Needle

Junshan Silver Needle originated from Junshan Island in Dongting Lake, Hunan Province. Surrounded by water, the island has a humid climate. The fertile soil, average annual temperature of 16°C, and frequent afternoon mist make it ideal for tea cultivation. The tea leaves produced on Junshan Island have large buds and are covered with abundant white hairs. When made into yellow tea, they exhibit a beautiful color and a refreshing fragrance.


Production Process

Junshan Silver Needle is made from spring tea, with the highest quality leaves harvested at the end of March. Strict standards are followed during harvesting: no picking on rainy days, no old leaves, and no damaged leaves. After harvesting, the tea undergoes several processes, including panning (using high heat to roast the leaves), cooling, first drying, cooling again, second drying, and final roasting. The entire production takes three days.

Traditionally produced Junshan Silver Needle has distinctive white hairs and yellow leaves. When brewed, the tea soup is yellow with a fresh, smooth taste. The finest Junshan Silver Needle is known for its special feature: when brewed, the tea leaves stand upright like needles and gradually sink to the bottom of the cup after about one minute.


Brewing Method for Junshan Silver Needle Tea

  • Teaware: There is no specific teapot required, but a transparent one is preferred to appreciate the beauty of the Junshan Silver Needle leaves.
  • Water: The best results are achieved using spring or mineral water, with an ideal water temperature of 80°C.
  • Tea-to-water ratio: The recommended ratio is 1:50. For example, in a 100 ml pot, use 2 grams of Junshan Silver Needle tea.
  • Steeping time: The first infusion should steep for about 4 minutes, with each subsequent infusion increasing by 1 minute.
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