Taiwan Chi-Lai High Mountain Tea-150g(Spring Tea 2024)


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SKU: Z58457621 Category:
Brand: 廖長興茶業

Chi-Lai Mountain is located in central Taiwan, with tea plantations situated at an altitude of 1600 to 2050 meters. In the past, this area was considered unsuitable for tea cultivation due to low temperatures and a lack of irrigation water. However, with the resolution of irrigation issues and advancements in frost protection technology for tea plantations, Chi-Lai Mountain has quickly become one of the most popular high mountain tea production regions.

From the cold high mountains of Chi-Lai

Due to its high altitude, the tea plantations on Chi-Lai Mountain often experience frost during winter and spring. To address this issue, tea farmers installed anti-frost fans in the tea gardens ten years ago. These fans prevent the tea plants from freezing and being damaged during cold snaps. Since the introduction of this equipment, the quality and yield of Chi-Lai Mountain tea have significantly improved.

Additionally, the tea gardens extensively use organic fertilizers, such as peanut hulls. Using organic fertilizers helps protect the tea plants through the winter, providing a rich source of organic matter and nutrients. This promotes healthy tea growth, aiding in the development of various compounds within the tea leaves. As a result, the tea’s texture becomes fuller, the tea liquor more refreshing, and the flavor and aroma of the tea are enhanced.

We have carefully selected the highest quality tea leaves from Chi-Lai Mountain, at an altitude of approximately 2000 meters. These leaves, nurtured by the cold mountain winds, develop a robust flavor. We sincerely invite you to savor this unique tea fragrance.

Weight 150 g
Tea plantation altitude (meters)


Harvesting date



Liao Tea Shop

Harvesting method

Manual tea picking


Vacuum bag packaging

Place of origin



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