Taiwan Lishan Mountain High Mountain Tea-150g(Spring Tea 2024)


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SKU: Z58464037 Category:
Brand: 廖長興茶業

Lishan is located in Taichung City, Taiwan, and is the highest altitude tea-producing region in Taiwan, with tea plantations ranging from 1,450 to 2,560 meters above sea level.

High Mountain Oolong Tea from Tea Gardens at an Altitude of 2,100 Meters

Since the first tea garden was established by tea farmers in 1980, it has been discovered that tea produced in Lishan possesses unique characteristics. The tea leaves have a rich orchid aroma, and the significant day-night temperature difference in the high mountains reduces bitterness while increasing sweetness. This remarkable quality quickly caused a sensation in the tea industry, making Lishan one of the most representative high mountain tea regions in Taiwan.

Our tea garden is located at an altitude of 2,100 meters in Lishan, where it often snows from December to April each year. The temperature difference between day and night in spring and winter can reach 30 degrees Celsius, which forces the tea trees to store more nutrients to combat the cold, resulting in higher sweetness in the tea leaves. Due to the lower average temperatures in spring and winter, the tea leaves grow slowly and become thicker, enhancing their quality. To maintain the high quality of the tea leaves, the tea garden only harvests tea in the spring and winter seasons each year.

Weight 150 g
Tea plantation altitude (meters)


Harvesting date



Liao Tea Shop

Harvesting method

Manual tea picking


Vacuum bag packaging

Place of origin



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