Taiwan Pear Mountain Oolong Tea-150g(Spring Tea 2024)


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SKU: Z5846031 Category:

Pear Mountain is located in central Taiwan and is renowned for its high-mountain tea production. The tea plantations in this area range in altitude from 1450 to 2560 meters, with the northern side being acclaimed as the superior sub-region of Pear Mountain.

Newly developed tea gardens offering rich flavors of high-mountain oolong

Many of the tea gardens on the northern side of Pear Mountain are newly developed, with soil rich in natural nutrients. Coupled with the excellent absorption capabilities of young tea trees, the teas produced here are highly esteemed for their quality. Abundant irrigation water sources and the protection provided by the surrounding virgin forests create an excellent growing environment, making the northern side one of the most popular tea-producing areas in Pear Mountain in recent years.

Our tea gardens are situated at an altitude of 2100 meters on the northern side of Pear Mountain, where the significant temperature difference due to high altitude greatly enhances the quality of the tea leaves. The high-mountain teas produced here have a high level of sweetness and relatively low bitterness. Local tea farmers carefully select and use high-quality organic fertilizers (peanut hull) and compound fertilizers, which not only help the tea trees withstand the harsh winters of the high mountains but also enhance the aroma of the tea leaves. The tea trees planted in the gardens are all newly planted within the last seven years, with new trees having better absorption capabilities, resulting in richer flavors in the tea leaves.

Weight 150 g
Tea plantation altitude (meters)


Harvesting date



Liao Tea Shop

Harvesting method

Manual tea picking


Vacuum bag packaging

Place of origin



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