Weishan Maojian Tea

Weishan Maojian is produced in the Dwei Mountain area of Hunan Province and belongs to the yellow tea category. It features a unique “yellow with a hint of green” characteristic, with both the dry leaves and the brewed tea exhibiting this distinctive coloration, setting it apart from typical yellow teas. Notably, it employs a unique smoking process that imparts a special smoky aroma to the tea.


The history of tea production in the Weishan region dates back over 800 years. The climate here is mild, with abundant rainfall, frequent mist, and fertile soil, making it an ideal environment for tea trees. The tea leaves from this area are characterized by robust buds and abundant downy hairs.

Production Process of Weishan Maojian

Weishan Maojian is made using tender buds picked within 7 days of sprouting in late March to early April, and the processing occurs on the same day as the harvest. The production process includes panning (high-temperature roasting), sealed yellowing, rolling, baking, and smoking, comprising five steps. The first four steps follow the standard yellow tea production methods, while smoking is a unique technique of Weishan Maojian and is crucial for determining its quality. During the smoking process, fresh and fragrant maple fruit is used to smoke the leaves, employing low heat to enhance the smoke concentration, allowing the tea to fully absorb the smoky aroma.

Traditionally crafted Weishan Maojian features visible white hairs, a bright soup color, and must display a yellowish-green hue. Importantly, the tea flavor must carry the distinct smoky taste.


Brewing Method for Weishan Maojian

Any type of tea ware can be used to brew Weishan Maojian, but river water or spring water is preferred. If using tap water, it should be left to sit for a day before use. The optimal brewing water temperature is around 90°C, with a tea-to-water ratio of 1:50, meaning 2 grams of Weishan Maojian for every 100 milliliters of water. The first infusion should steep for 3 minutes, with each subsequent infusion increasing by 1 minute.

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